Cardio Advanced® is a specially formulated dietary supplement, created by Dr. Chauncey Crandall, containing 12 hand-picked ingredients, including a full 2 grams of esterified plant sterols. All these powerful ingredients have been individually selected to help maintain optimal heart function and cholesterol levels.
Try your first bottle of Cardio Advanced today to start benefiting from 12 heart healthy nutrients including the following:

After decades of meticulous research into the most heart healthy nutrients Dr. Chauncey Crandall has identified 5 key nutrients that may reduce your risk of heart disease, promote heart health and the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels and included optimal doses of these nutrients in every bottle of Cardio Advanced.
Cardio Advanced gives you 1000 Mg of Plant Sterols, from Sterol Esters. Plant sterols are compounds found in many types of plants including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cereals, and beans. When they are consumed in sufficient amounts, they block the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine, and have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol by 10 to 15 percent without lowering the “good” HDL cholesterol.
That is the equivalent of a statin drug. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allows for plant sterols to be labeled as having the potential for reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and as an effective cholesterol-lowering substance, which are designation they rarely allow supplements.
These phytochemicals can help reduce your overall cholesterol — except you probably don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables to get all the sterols you need.
Plant sterols work by blocking the absorption of cholesterol from your food during digestion. In a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, 30 individuals drank a low-fat, yogurt-based beverage enriched with plant sterols. The researchers found that the sterols helped control cholesterol levels effectively.
In another study, plant sterol concentrations in the blood of subjects older than 65 years were measured. The researchers found that high plasma concentrations of the plant sterol sitosterol may help reduce the risk for coronary heart disease when used as part of a heart healthy diet.
At the Mayo Clinic, a review of 41 trials showed that taking 3 grams daily of sterols reduced LDL cholesterol by 10%. In a study in the UK, men and women with a high intake of dietary plant sterols had lower serum cholesterol.
Cardio Advanced gives you 30 Mg of Coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 has a vast body of clinical research that verifies its ability to support good cardiac health. Our bodies produce CoQ10 naturally, but unfortunately, our CoQ10 level declines, as much as 30% by the time you reach your 40s. Taking statin drugs may also accelerate the loss of CoQ10 in your body.
CoQ10 is a strong antioxidant that helps fight free radicals at the cellular level, which can help prevent premature aging and free radical damage. Virtually every cell in your body contains CoQ10, with the most found in the heart and liver.
Numerous trials indicate CoQ10’s unique ability to support heart health and function. Clinical studies suggest that it can promote optimal heart function and normal blood pressure levels. In a massive study reported in the journal Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 2,664 individuals were given 50 to 150 mg of CoQ10 daily for 3 months. The vast majority improved in terms of heart health.
Another major study, also reported in Molecular Aspects of Medicine, followed 424 individuals who took on average 242 mg CoQ10 daily. The researchers concluded that CoQ10 is safe and effective for helping to maintain optimal cardiac health.
What about CoQ10 and blood pressure? In 12 clinical studies with a total of 362 individuals, CoQ10 supported normal blood pressure levels. And a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition also found that CoQ10 supplementation may support normal blood pressure.
Cardio Advaned give you 50 Mg of Hawthorn Berry Fruit Extract. Hawthorn berry, which contains bioactive compounds with antioxidant properties, is widely used in Europe to promote good circulatory health. It is endorsed by Commission E, the branch of the German government that approves herbal products. In one clinical study, 60 individuals who were given 180 mg/day of hawthorn berry for 3 weeks experienced increased blood flow to the heart.
You get 200 Mcg of Folic Acid with Cardio Advaned. Folic acid, a manufactured version of the B vitamin folate, helps break down homocysteine in your body. According to the American Nutrition Association, folic acid may help support arterial health.
A study of 1,980 Finnish men ages 42 to 60 years found that folate has a role in promoting overall heart health. Another study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed that a high intake of folate and vitamin B6 supported cardiovascular health.
You get 50 MG of Magnesium with Cardio Advanced. Magnesium is essential to virtually all life on Earth. It is a magnesium atom that gives chlorophyll its ability to perform photosynthesis. This metal supports proper heart rhythm and plays a role in supporting normal blood pressure levels. Yet as we age, our magnesium levels decline.
The problem is that only half of the magnesium in your diet is absorbed. Worse, when you’re under stress, your body releases cortisol. This hormone causes magnesium to be released from cells and excreted in your urine. Numerous studies have demonstrated that supplementing with magnesium may support overall cardiac health.
A study reported in the American Heart Journal followed 13,922 middle-aged adults. The research suggests that high levels of magnesium were associated with increased heart health. Another study, this one published in the American Journal of Cardiology, also found an association between magnesium levels and regular heart rhythm
The Journal of Clinical Epidemiology published a study of 15,248 participants that explored the correlation between magnesium levels and overall cardiovascular health. The study concluded that higher magnesium levels were related to increased cardiac health
Magnesium is vital to supporting good cardiovascular health. In addition, magnesium supports normal blood pressure levels. In a study of the effects of magnesium on blood pressure, reported in the British Medical Journal, 20 patients taking a diuretic were given magnesium for 6 months. Diuretics can cause magnesium depletion.
The result: Systolic and diastolic blood pressure – the top number and the bottom number – were decreased by 12 mmHg and 8mmHg, respectively. Other research also indicates that supplementing with magnesium has an impact on overall systolic and diastolic pressure.
Cardio Advanced Supplement Facts

Cardio Health Ingredients
So what are phytosterols?
Phytosterols are to plants what cholesterol is to humans. All plants contain a variety of phytosterols, but the three most abundant are beta-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol.
Hawthorn Berry Fruit Extract
Studies show that hawthorn contains many antioxidants that may be beneficial to the heart. Health benefits of Hawthorn may include improved blood circulation, dilated blood vessels, and protecting the vessels from damage.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is produced by the human body and is essential for the basic functioning of cells. Studies suggest CoQ10 levels decrease with age and to be low in patients with some chronic diseases such as heart conditions, muscular dystrophies, Parkinson's disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Vitamin C
A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has provided further evidence linking vitamin C intake to lower blood pressure.
Although the benefits provided by the supplements fell short of the drop in blood pressure achieved by medication, researchers suggested that if further research bears these results out, vitamin C supplements may turn out to be part of a strategy to lower blood pressure.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. It also aids in the absorption of calcium, helping to form and sustain strong bones.
So what is Riboflavin?
Riboflavin or vitamin B2 helps in the production of red blood cells and assists in in converting carbohydrates into energy. Riboflavin also assists the metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids, and carbohydrates.
Niacin or vitamin B3 is vital for the body to regulate the release of energy from foods.
Health benefits of niacin is the assistance the body in breaking down carbohydrates and converting them to glucose (sugar) to generate energy. Niacin improves circulation and helps the body produce various sex hormones.
Thiamine or vitamin B1 assists in converting carbohydrates into energy.
It is essential for healthy heart, brain, and nerve function. Thiamine can be found in enriched grain products, meat, beans, nuts, and whole grains.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is a life or death vitamin. It plays a pivotal role in regulating the chemical reaction of proteins and producing hemoglobin, which helps carry oxygen to red blood cells.
B6 is essential for normal brain function, and helps the body produce the serotonin and other hormones, which impact mood.
Folic acid
Folic acid or vitamin B9 assists in the production of DNA and RNA, the body’s genetic make-up.
Folic acid is essential for proper brain function and plays an important role in mental and emotional health. It also complements vitamin B12 in producing red blood cells and maintaining iron in the body.
Every organ in the body — especially the kidneys, muscles, and heart — needs magnesium to function properly. The mineral stimulates enzymes, boosts energy production, and maintains important nutrient levels in the body.
Benefits of magnesium in the body include the stabilization of blood pressure and reduction of heart failure.
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